MULTI MEDIA ART BY RAY HERSCHLEBAbout | Process | Wall Papers | Contact |
About Ray It seems like most of my life, I have been surrounded by art, watched art being made, explored art or made it myself. l have had little formal art education. But what I did have, was a mother who was an artist and a father who has a great set of pipes. So I inherited the best of both worlds art and music.Growing up, what I learned to appreciate most, was the times when my mom would would do something she would call "getting out the box". Then she would proceed to try other art forms that was not in her genre or we would go to a play, a ballet, blues or jazz. She was primarily a painter in both oil and acrylics and watercolors. She painted landscapes, people, nature, animals, and scenes, just about anything she could see. But she was not afraid to work with many other mediums in other styles. Getting out of the box! It must have rubbed off. Because that is all I know how to do! |
Artist Statement Art For me is a never ending exploration Of mediums either intertwined or left on there own! The need to create it comes from somewhere deep within my soul I am creative by nature not by choice creativity has chosen me Thoughts and ideas run rampant though my head always swirling, pushing, pulling maybe they will stop when I am dead! Never happy, never satisfied with my work It is in the moment that I am most exhilarated But sometimes there is that rare occasion when it all comes together striking an emotion that crashes over me like a wave! |
Link to Mom's Work |
Plates | Furniture | Glass Work | Mixed Media | Commission |